secuTrial exports inherently contain the information on which participant was registered at which point in time. This function makes use of this property to show annual recruitment.

annual_recruitment(x, rm_regex = "")



a secuTrialdata object


character - specifies a regular expression to be removed from the centre names in the legend. e.g. rm_regex = "\\(.*\\)$" will remove trailing brackets and their contents.


a data.frame showing the annual recruitment counts per center


This function wraps plot_recruitment to retrieve the data.


# export location
expot_loc <- system.file("extdata", "sT_exports", "lnames",
                         package = "secuTrialR")
# read export
sT_export <- read_secuTrial(expot_loc)
#> Read export successfully.
#> The following export options deviate from the suggested specifications:
#> Data from hidden fields is part of the export.
#> Short names was not selected.

# plot recruitment
#>                             Center Total 2018 2019
#> 1                              All    11    1   10
#> 2           Charité Berlin (RPACK)     5    0    5
#> 3         Inselspital Bern (RPACK)     5    0    5
#> 4 Universitätsspital Basel (RPACK)     1    1    0

# show without trailing bracket
annual_recruitment(sT_export, rm_regex = "\\(.*\\)$")
#>                     Center Total 2018 2019
#> 1                      All    11    1   10
#> 2           Charité Berlin     5    0    5
#> 3         Inselspital Bern     5    0    5
#> 4 Universitätsspital Basel     1    1    0